Get Started
Food Managers Certificate:
Commercial Kitchens are required by St. Louis City and County to have a high level of sanitation and to maintain those high standards at all times. Most small food businesses should already have their ServSafe Certificate (or equivalent). If you do not, and are just starting out, all that is involved is taking the course in a class environment or on-line and then taking a short exam. If you need help we can assist.
Liability Insurance:
Must be current and up to date. You’ll need to list us as additionally insured with $1,000,000 coverage. We can recommend a food industry insurance carrier for you if you don’t have one.
St. Louis County/City require you to have the proper permits to be able to identify working in a commercial environment. We will help you with these if you join the Creative Cookery.
There is a $50 application processing fee which also includes a kitchen orientation. That’s it!